
I love teaching. This includes lecturing an undergraduate class, mentoring a student, or teaching a local dance class. While at the University of Virginia, I took many opportunities to improve my teaching. My favorite experience was participating in a university wide teaching program called Tomorrow’s Professors Today. This program offered seminars on pedagogy and learning styles as well as introduced me to numerous educators at UVa and abroad. I was also able to present a poster at the American Society of Engineering Education’s annual meeting in 2014.

Classroom Experience

In addition to being a guest lecturer in numerous classes (including human physiology, systems bioengineering, computational principles of biomechanical engineering and motion biomechanics), I was awarded a scholarship to co-teach a class with Dr. Shayn Peirce-Cottler during my 4th year of graduate school. Through this scholarship, I was given the opportunity to develop the syllabus, teach half the lectures, and create the exams for our sophomore level introduction to biomedical engineering. This was a transformative experience for me. I received first hand experience with every facet of teaching while having an experienced mentor to lean on.


I had the privilege to participate in numerous outreach programs. Every year, the BME department at UVa gives tours to local students (3rd - 6th grade). Each participating lab teaches the students about their research through a demonstration or hands on experiment. We also answer questions about science and college in general. In the picture to the right, I demonstrated the basics of cell culturing before we collected cheek cells to look at under a microscope.

From 2014 to 2015 I volunteered as a mentor for kids K through 12. This was a weekly commitment, where students could ask for homework help on any subject they were struggling with. I enjoyed teaching these kids about science and I was eager to share stories about my career/life choices.

Student Mentoring

I have mentored numerous outstanding undergraduates over the years. Below is a list of the students and the projects I assisted them with.